Saturday, February 28, 2015

AJ Week #9 - Your favorite quote

This week's prompt should have been easier for me to complete, but it wasn't.  In fact, it was downright hard.  Namely because there are so many quotes that really speak to me.  However, as many of you know, life isn't always butterflies, rainbows and fluffy, sometimes, life is absolutely shitty and ugly.  

Most of you know me as one who's always got a funny line, or a happy, cheerful disposition, but that's not actually always the case.  We all wear masks, and often times, they are the exact opposite of what is really going on in our lives/minds.  Now, that's not to say, that this quote reflects how I always feel, but the last couple of weeks have been a battle of memories, pain and anger.  So, when this week's prompt came around, I couldn't ignore the war raging inside me.  I had to get it out on paper and put it out there for the world to see.

As a survivor of mental, physical and emotional abuse, combined with a family history of depression and bi-polar disorder, there are days when I wake up in a total, all-encompassing red haze of anger, bordering on rage.  Days when the sound of my children breathing, my husband snoring, gets on my last, badly frayed nerve.  Those are the days when I have to work especially hard not to do or say things that I will later regret.  Those are the days when I have to eat it all and work at being the good wife and mother that I want to be most other days.  Sometimes it's just a day...other times, there are days, even weeks, when I have to eat the pain, the hurt, the anger, the rage, and move with slow and deliberate effort thru my day, to ensure that I am the only one who has to deal with it. 

So, here is my response to this week's prompt:  Your Favorite Quote

This week I pulled the following supplies out of my cart:
Soft rubber brayer
Liquitex Basics in: Cadmium Red Deep, Alzarin Red and Mars Black
Dylusions Blendable Acrylic in Black Marble
Large Dylusions journal
Moleskine graphed paper
Sharpie Med. point pen
Uhu glue stick
Scraps of various papers
Washi tape
Various rubber stamps - purchased and hand carved

I started with a previously painted background that I was NOT happy with and began gluing down my paper scraps to cover it up and give myself a fresh "canvas" to work on.  Then I began laying down paint using a brayer technique (a photo tutorial of this can be found on the Artful Chicks blog under the "Artful Tactics" heading).  To get the coverage I wanted, and the balance of color, I had to do a LOT of layers of color.  Then, for extra effect, I grabbed my black and used my fingers to add some extra smears of black.  Then I laid down some pieces of washi, and using red and black paint, pulled out my stamps, and stamped a few images for textural effect.  

While my paint was drying, I got out my sharpie pen and graphed paper and wrote out my quote, drawing rectangles around each individual word to make them pop just a little more.  Once I had the words torn out, I began shuffling them around my spread until I had them where I wanted them, then I glued them down onto the spread.

Here are some pics - I got caught up in the creating and forgot to take my process pics of my spread as I went....sorry.  

This is the full shot of the entire's hard to see the red stamps unless you're right on top of it.

And here are some close-up shots:

And there you have it....a peek into my head during a rough week.  Thanks for looking.

Saturday, February 21, 2015


So this week our prompt is "Things you think are beautiful".  And since we have creative license to interpret these prompts any way we like, I went, what I thought was a different route....I used things I'd received in swaps for my beautiful things....Notes from partners/friends, atcs, tags, various little bits and bobs that get included with the actual art....I love it all...even the envelopes!  So, I dug into my new Dylusions paints, using turquoise, black and white, and just used a fat brush and large swaths of paint to create the background....I didn't want it too busy because I didn't want my goodies to get lost....

Then I began adding all my goodies....a note card from Patty, a little card from Tamie, with a personal note written inside, a die cut pig and a couple of envelope parts from Lynny, and ATC from Andie, tag from Deborah, a circle from a previous swap, but since it was floating around in the bottom of my goodie box, I'm not sure who sent it....a felt cupcake from another member of our mail art group, but as it was also out of it's envelope, I honestly don't know who sent it.  OH!!!  And a paper doily from Martha!  I love this so much, I think I am going to have to make some more pages of just mail goodies!

So, there you have it!  Things like this, are the things I believe are beautiful....little pieces of my friends hearts

Saturday, February 14, 2015

Mardi Gras

Seems like every prompt I have done ahead I have ended up tossing into my "shit" pile. And of course this weeks was no exception. But I hated the first one before I was done and time did NOT change my opinion of it. Maybe it was trying to make the purple and green work together in harmony (not sure how the hell I was supposed  do that) but it was hate.  Like of a thousand burning suns kind of hate. So, nothing sparks creativity like a looming deadline and at 6 this morning it hit me. So out came my Inktense pencils and my metallic pens and the baby wipes. 

So I laid down color with the pencils. Just 3,  fuschia, mauve and violet. Then taking a gentle hand with a baby wipe, I smoothed the color all over the page.   Once it was dry, I took my metallic pens to it and just wrote "mardi gras" all over and drew "beads" all over.  Basic, simple but I don't hate it. In fact, I really like it.