Saturday, April 4, 2015

Week 14 - Doodled flowers!

This week at Artful Journeys, our prompt is "Doodled Flowers"....after that the interpretation is left up to us....fill the page, use just a few, create a border, whatever!  So, after seeing a pretty cool border on some pin on Pinterest, I had myself a little fun...grabbed my large Dylusions journal, my black Dylusions blendable acrylic paint and my white UniBall Signo and got to work....

I started with a skinny brush...1 or 0 maybe...I don't pay attention to that shit, I really don't...I just grab what I think will work and get to going...I'd make a terrible teacher....but, just so you know, I almost never follow recipes to the letter,  I'm always adding shit, or taking something out that I know I, or the kids, won't's just the artist in me refusing to go with the flow.

So anyways, with my skinny brush, I drew/painted a border outline....nothing straight or any of that....nope!  It was all squiggly...looked like something my husband had drawn while on shore

 Once that was dry, I grabbed my white UniBall Signo and went to town!  Of course, by the time I was done, there was more than just flowers in my border, but since there were flowers, I figured that was ok...

So, here's my border and I hope you like it. 

Thanks for stopping by to take a look. Please let me know you stopped by and happy arting, y'all!!!!!

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